Beating Yourself Up Over Past Mistakes? Stop.

2 min readJun 5, 2024

During your moments of reflection, have you ever said to yourself

“Arrrgh! I’m so stupid! Why did I do that?”

Listen to what Brian Tracy (one of the greats in the personal development space) has to say about this in the short video below (little over 4 min) —

Quick summary of Brian’s key points:

  • The life we have today is the result of our choices & decisions up to this point. If we make new choices & decisions, we can make a whole new life going forward.
  • The person who made those mistakes in the past is a completely different version of who you are today. In fact, who you are now is a completely different person altogether.
  • Forgive yourself. Making mistakes is a normal part of life. Nobody is perfect.
  • Ask yourself — “What did I learn from this experience?” Find the lessons from past experiences for future application.

There is no time machine to go back and do things differently.




Goal accountability partner & coach. I post content about keeping a positive mindset.