Go Through This Checklist Before Launching Your Business

4 min readJul 6, 2024

Quick thoughts here on getting started as a solo business. I’m currently working at getting a goal accountability coaching business going. (I also have extensive past experience in administrative support roles for successful solopreneurs and small business owners).

Just fyi — the below is primarily intended for service/coaching & consulting activities, not physical product based businesses. Also, this is not meant to be a complete list. Feel free to add items in the comments.

Before going full steam with your business, spread out all the initial, mission critical set up tasks in convenient to-do blocks on your personal calendar (G-Calendar, Trello, Notion, whatever works for you) over an extended period of time.

So when it’s go time, all systems are firing.

Take one weekend and do the following:

  • Stop by your bank and set up a business bank account. Pretty straightforward if you’re going to set up as a sole proprietor. LLC will require several steps based on your state residence, including setting up a business bank account as an LLC. In addition to your own research, you might have to consult with an attorney/tax professional for a fee. Regardless, get this out of the way as soon as possible.




I post short content about keeping a positive mindset, other potentially interesting topics.