How the Law of Attraction Really Works

2 min readJun 20, 2024

Dan Lok is a globally popular business & entrepreneurship influencer, (although he does have his detractors).

That said, I’m a fan of a lot of his free content on developing a winning mindset and focusing on what matters.

In this video he explains how he believes the Law of Attraction really works. It’s an explanation that I’m completely aligned with it.

One great example Dan provides is when he and his wife are looking outside at a downpour while on vacation. He is upset about it and believes the whole day is ruined. His wife on the other hand, thinks it looks beautiful and takes much joy from the view. Who’s right?

If you always look for the negative, that’s exactly what you will find.

If you mainly look for the positive, you’re more apt to find great opportunities and do cool stuff.

LOA is that simple. Nothing esoteric or magical about it.

I’m not saying be an unexamining pollyanna or minimize serious issues. But at the same time try to focus on the things that can potentially result in optimal outcomes.

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.

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Goal accountability partner & coach. I post content about keeping a positive mindset.