Why You Need a Goal Accountability Partner

2 min readJun 4, 2024


Do you have big projects that you always wanted to go after, but end up finding one out after another?

You’ve already asked others to keep you on track — your spouse, family member, or friend but they inevitably get bored and forget the whole agreement?

Maybe you’ve tried on your own to keep focused but just end up wasting time with unimportant things.

Or you’re super determined but just lack focus. You end up wasting critical energy by going in multiple directions simultaneously instead of staying the correct course.

If any of the above apply to you, then consider getting a goal accountability partner.

I’m in the personal coaching space and my focus is strictly on goal accountability.

I can hold you to a scheduled list of mission essential micro actions previously agreed upon.

We’ll start off with an initial meeting to discuss the nature of your business or project. From there we’ll outline all the micro-goals required in order to achieve the larger objective, scheduling them on a calendar or online project board.

The tools for this will be minimal — Gmail calendar (maybe Trello or a similar tool if required) & Zoom calls.

Note — I won’t ever directly tell you what to do. My contention is that you are your own chief advisor & mentor.

You know best on what needs to happen.

Although I’m not a life coach nor am I member of the ICF, I’ll strictly conform to the International Coaching Federation’s ethical guidelines.

These guidelines provide a foundation for professionalism & etiquette, client confidentiality, transparency, and establishing the limits of goal accountability coaching/services.

My qualifications include:

  • 20+ years of professional experience in a wide variety of administrative & operational roles successfully supporting organizational leaders.
  • I frequently receive mentoring from highly experienced professionals who have done significant amounts of executive & career coaching.

If you’re interested in learning more about my services and pricing, contact me at info@coachingbyvincent.com

We can have an initial discussion to see if it will be a good fit.

Let’s make it happen!




Goal accountability partner & coach. I post content about keeping a positive mindset.